Lost Ark: Engraving Guide for Beginners
We'll take a look at the engravings in Lost Ark, covering the basics of how they work, how to get them, and how to use them.
Engravings are the core part of improving your character build in Lost Ark. Not only does each class come with two class engravings that drastically change how a class plays, but several different engravings provide you with various buffs and alterations to your set.
This guide proves it, taking a detailed look at the most popular engravings in the game, as well as how you use them. They are only available after level 50, strictly for endgame content like Chaos Dungeons and Raids.
- What are engravings, and how to use them?
- Leveling Up Your Engravings
- What do your engravings look like during your first steps in Endgame?
- Most popular prints in Lost Ark
What are engravings, and how to use them?
Engravings are additional enhancements and customizations you can make to your character when you first start doing T1 content - this is the content at the end of the main storyline, after level 50.
Engravings can be divided into three separate categories: damage boosts, useful buffs, and class-specific engravings that completely change the way you play. Everyday engravings can be used by any class in the game, while class-specific engravings are class-specific.
Leveling Up Your Engravings
Engravings have three levels available, depending on how many points you have unlocked. There are 15 points for the sum of the three individual levels.
There are many ways to unlock factors for your engravings, this kind of as by equipment (earrings, necklace, rings) and utilizing potential stones. Accessories and stones may be collected, looted, and bought from Lost Ark.
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Finally, you can also unlock character-specific learned engravings, which are named differently depending on where you play, but these "learned engravings" or "Imprint" are unlocked through the books. They could be discovered pretty much all over the place while on the planet of Arkesia, in dungeons, raids, and islands. You need multiple books to unlock learned engraving slots, so it's not just about finding one or two.
What do your engravings look like during your first steps in Endgame?
This is often the place it gets quite intriguing. Setting up your engravings at the start of endgame content material is a little intimidating. You won't have accessories with loads of Engraving Factors, and you might not have slots ready for realized Engravings as well as a Potential Stone to present your Engraving Factors.
Let's check out a sample set of equipment, stones, and memorized engravings that may be offered for you. The math functions like this:
A single necklace with three factors, an earring with three factors, a single learned engraving with 6 points, along with a medium skill stone with ten points. This gives you 22 factors to do the job with, enough for one max engraving as much as degree 3 and two reduced engravings. You may wish to emphasize maximizing your engraving points before moving on to far more content.
In the event you max out your engraving points, you ought to have adequate to produce an engraving development that looks like this:
Engraving | Level Overview |
Malice | Level 3: Damage increased by 20% against monsters of boss level and above, incoming damage increased by 20% (Requires 15 points) |
Cursed Doll | Level 3: Attack power increased by 16%. Healing decreased by -25%(Requires 15 points) |
Sharp, Blunt Weapon | Level 1: Increases critical damage by 10% but increases your normal attacks' chance to deal 20% less damage.(Requires 5 points) |
Total points: 35.
This is an example of an engraved build for the Sharpshooter, a class that depends on critical damage, hence the engraving for a sharp, blunt weapon. Both Grudge and Cursed Doll are meta pick for early endgame engravings due to their huge damage boost.
This pattern is interchangeable with any level 3 engravings and any level 1 engraving for any class. Different classes require different Engravings. You can learn more in our class creation guides.
Most popular prints in Lost Ark
Here is a full rundown of all of the popular prints in Lost Ark at writing. This is determined by user data from KR and RU and our own experience with late-game content in Lost Ark. We will update this for any sudden fixes with the launch of NA/EU or further changes in the future.
Engraving | Level Overview |
Malice |
Cursed Doll |
Sharp, Blunt Weapon |
Raid Captain |
Awakening |
Barricade |
Ambush Master |
Spirit Absorption |
Understatement. Lost Ark is a fairly balanced game for its classes, abilities, and playstyles, but to say that the engravers need a bit of balance work would be a mistake. Apart from the engravings mentioned, only a few work in certain circumstances. Most of the T1 content ends with Grudge and Cursed Doll. However, please refer to our note below.
Some prints are missing from this list, such as Midsection Attack & Adrenaline in particular. This is because Lost Ark is currently divided into three separate versions: Korean, Russian, and patches for North America and Europe. The content available varies across all three builds, making it hard to keep track of what's what. The above prints are available at launch in North America and Europe. More may or may not be added.

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